Drinking water management

Improve the drinking water quality and the water intake of your poultry

As a poultry farmer, you do not have the same influence on all facets of your production. As much as you might want to. However, with correct and careful drinking water management, you can influence the quality of the drinking water and the water intake of your poultry.

With smart and careful drinking water management, you meet the drinking needs of your poultry in every phase of a round. This results in less water wastage and better feed conversion. The risk of diseases and loss among your animals also decreases.

We develop, produce and supply high-quality drinking water systems for poultry farmers. This gives you a grip on your animals' water intake and keeps the temperature and quality of the drinking water at a constant, high level. You can also easily regulate the water pressure, adjust the height of the drinking line, and thus set the correct drinking angle.

Data farmer Bart Janssen has 90% fewer footpad lesions

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Which drinking nipple is suitable for your poultry?
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The benefits of a closed drinking water system
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Veldhuizen Poultry

In 2011, Raymond Veldhuizen started keeping 24,000 organic laying hens. In 2018 he exchanged his old drinking system for an Impex drinking system with I-Flex 14-SP drinking nipples and drip cups. We visited him at his farm in Maarsbergen to talk about his experiences with our system.

Beek Agri

After a lightning strike caused a fire in the two brand new poultry houses of Beek Poultry in Barneveld (the Netherlands), Impex dealer Beek Agri equipped the houses again in 2021. The laying hens are now kept according to the 3 Star Better Life quality mark (most profound Dutch quality mark). Henk van de Hoef of Beek Agri explains it all.

Raymond Veldhuizen
Henk van de Hoef

Let's talk about water


  • Impex Barneveld B.V.
  • Harselaarseweg 129
  • 3771 MA Barneveld
  • P.O. Box 20
  • 3770 AA Barneveld
  • Nederland


  • Impex Gainesville Inc.
  • 2170 Hilton Drive
  • GA 30501 Gainesville
  • P.O. Box 3097
  • GA 30503 Gainesville
  • USA