Pig drinking water solutions

Impex drinking water solutions for pigs

Clean and fresh drinking water plays an important role in the growth and health of pigs. A high-quality drinking water system assures access to such drinking water and therefore contributes to the yield of pig farmers. Impex supplies a wide range of high-quality drinking nipples for such drinking water systems.  

The importance of clean drinking water for pigs

●      Growth: Pigs drink more than twice as much as they eat. There is a direct correlation between water and feed intake. If pigs drink insufficiently because the water temperature is too high or the water quality is poor, they will also take in less feed. 

●      Animal health: Before the water comes out of the drinking nipple, it covers a long journey. A biofilm may be created in the lines due to, for example, a high water temperature or low flow speed: a layer of mucilage (slime) made of bacteria and mold. A poorer drinking water quality will mean that the immune system of pigs must work harder and increase the probability of disease and the percentage of mortality. 

●      Temperature control: Pigs easily suffer from heat stress. Pigs can lower their body temperature by drinking and urinating. It is therefore important that pigs have access to clean and cool water when it is hot. 

●      Other body processes: A newly born piglet consists of approximately 80% water and an adult animal of approximately 50%. Water plays an essential role in, for example, the metabolic processes, supplying nutrients to tissue and the disposal of waste products. 

The correct drinking nipple for every pig

Impex supplies drinking nipples for piglets, porkers, lactating sows, and boars. Our range consists of bite nipples, spray nipples, and wet feeding nipples. The nipples can be combined with all drinking water systems for pigs and are renowned for their high reliability and long service life.

Impex varkens drinknippels

Four lines with pig nipples

●      Basic-line: The most used drinking nipples for pigs for a competitive price. 

●      Combi-line: A wide choice of good pig nipples with a high-quality interior.  

●      High-line: An extensive and varied range of the very best drinking water nipples for pigs. 

●      ECO-line: The drinking nipples from the ECO-line will guarantee a constant water flow regardless of the water pressure. 

Optimum water flow, drinking angle, and nipple height

A piglet or weaned pig needs a water flow ranging between 0.4 and 0.6 liters per minute. The optimum water delivery for a porker, boar, or sow lies between 0.8 and 1 liter per minute. Farrowing sows need up to 2.7 liters of drinking water a minute. The ideal angle of drinking nipple is between 15 and 45⁰. The optimum height of the drinking nipple varies between 15 - 25 centimeters for piglets (being weaned) to 90 centimeters for boars and farrowing sows. 

Drinking water needs pigs

Elements of a reliable drinking water system

The Impex high-quality drinking nipples really come into their element when you also pay careful attention to the rest of the drinking water system. You can then assure that the water from the pig nipples is clean and has a good quality. 

Discover the innovative drinking water solutions from IMPEX


Veldhuizen Poultry

In 2011, Raymond Veldhuizen started keeping 24,000 organic laying hens. In 2018 he exchanged his old drinking system for an Impex drinking system with I-Flex 14-SP drinking nipples and drip cups. We visited him at his farm in Maarsbergen to talk about his experiences with our system.

Beek Agri

After a lightning strike caused a fire in the two brand new poultry houses of Beek Poultry in Barneveld (the Netherlands), Impex dealer Beek Agri equipped the houses again in 2021. The laying hens are now kept according to the 3 Star Better Life quality mark (most profound Dutch quality mark). Henk van de Hoef of Beek Agri explains it all.

Raymond Veldhuizen
Henk van de Hoef

Let's talk about water


  • Impex Barneveld B.V.
  • Harselaarseweg 129
  • 3771 MA Barneveld
  • P.O. Box 20
  • 3770 AA Barneveld
  • Nederland


  • Impex Gainesville Inc.
  • 2170 Hilton Drive
  • GA 30501 Gainesville
  • P.O. Box 3097
  • GA 30503 Gainesville
  • USA